89 Valentine's Day blogging prompts for business blogs
Inject a little love into your online business content this February 14.
by Brittany Taylor
Last updated July 1, 2019
As an adult, I’m pretty sure late winter would be better if we still glued doilies onto Cheerio boxes and sent each other cheesy valentines. Just because your inbox isn’t bursting with puns and lollipops doesn’t mean you can’t find a little fun in Valentine’s Day.
Call me a kid-at-heart. Call me a dork. Call me a crafty little critter who thinks too much about Sweethearts and overlarge Hershey’s Kisses. No matter what you call me, though, I know I’m right. Whether you’re single or coupled up, happy or sad, sugar-free or gorging on chocolate, there’s always a little love lurking in February 14 and the days leading up to it.
Ready to get your brain in gear for the day of hearts? (Oh, I’ve got V-Day wordplay that’ll last for years.) If ya don’t find inspiration here, ya might wanna move on to St. Patrick’s Day.

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Read on for my very long list of Valentine’s Day prompts for blog posts, social media, and anything else you’re looking to make or do this time of year.
- 1What can you learn from a person you admire?
- 2Which industry expert would be your valentine?
- 3Which candy sweetheart is your business mantra?
- 4How do you pick a beau?
- 5How to choose something you know you’ll love for a long time
- 6How to be a little less sweet
- 7How to be the rose, not the carnation
- 8The first time you looked at something or someone and said to yourself, “that’s mine”
- 9What do your obsessions say about you?
- 10How you fell back in love with something
- 11When you realized you weren’t a perfect angel—and how you became OK with that
- 12The one thing you care about the most
- 13What you would love for someone to say to you in a card
- 14If Cupid was matchmaking in your industry, what or who would he pair you with?
- 15A work memory you cherish
- 16The one thing you prefer doing solo
- 17Something you wish more people were aware of
- 18A woo-ing gone wrong
- 19The candy that speaks to your heart
- 20Something you’re nervous about telling someone you like about
- 21The biggest lie you told to a date
- 22In your professional tool box, what acts as your bow and what acts as your arrow?
- 23What everyone else is obsessed with and you couldn’t give a shit about
- 24An addiction you struggle with
- 25Is romance important to you?
- 26A tool that you absolutely adore
- 27What about you work turns you on, creatively?
- 28How you created something you love
- 29What saves you when you’re feeling alone?
- 30What industry topic makes you see red?
- 31What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for love of your career?
- 32What you think you should want that you don’t actually want
- 33What would you write in a love letter to your job?
- 34The last thing that made you blush
- 35The most romantic movie line you’ve ever heard
- 36A boss you admire, but whom you have no desire to emulate
- 37How to make long distance love work
- 38An old routine, item, job, or project that you still have a lot of affection for
- 39What you wouldn’t do for love
- 40An opportunity that would make you kiss your current work life goodbye
- 41A reality of your work you’d break up with if you could
- 42How you would play matchmaker to your at-work favorites
- 43Something you wanted to do (or someone you wanted to work with) that didn’t work out
- 44The best gift you’ve ever gotten
- 45The work investments you’re currently crushing on
- 46When have your flirted with non-monogamy at work
- 47Everything you’ve tried to dump a bad habit
- 48A work crush
- 49What unexpected job you would secretly love to do?
- 50Your favorite greeting card
- 51What keeps you coming back?
- 52The love song the defines your relationship with a bad client
- 53A silly thing that makes you sentimental
- 54Where were you when you heard big news about a celeb you were obsessed with?
- 55A love-at-first-sight experience
- 56How do you find perspective or balance when you’re infatuated with something or someone?
- 57If you’d been married to a profession early in your career, what would you be doing now?
- 58How do you feel about professional PDA?
- 59What city is the home-at-heart to your work?
- 60If your work was a lovechild, who or what would be its parents?
- 61Love is a battlefield. What’s your professional battlefield?
- 62What’s making your heart pound right now?
- 63If love conquered all, what would your love for your work help you accomplish?
- 64Something you’ve loved that you’ve let go
- 65The thorny side of your work
- 66What you consider beautiful in or about your industry
- 67How do you show your clients or customers that you love them?
- 68A time you got too emotionally invested?
- 69The first, second, and third bases of your process
- 70Notable “first times” for your readers
- 71Why you’re single or coupled up
- 72What makes a perfect date?
- 73What you’ve learned about liking something or someone
- 74Molly Ringwald is Pretty In Pink. What’s your color?
- 75What you wear when you want to feel like hot stuff
- 76The work games you play—or don’t
- 77How many different types of love have you experienced?
- 78A project or client you’re lovesick for or about
- 79The idea, plan, or product you wish you hadn’t given up on
- 80Your most recent “woohoo!” moment
- 81What you were like at 14
- 82Something unrelated to your work that you’re enamored with
- 83How do you come down from the highs of a fling or love affair?
- 84Industry rumors you wish were true
- 85What would happen if you let your love horoscope tell you what to do or expect at work?
- 86When should you not pursue a passion?
- 87Life would be easier if you loved this
- 88The characteristics you tend to fall for
- 89Your best forget-me-not secret for first impressions
Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.

Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.

Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.