How to write clickbait blog posts that your readers will devour
"Clickbait" doesn't have to be a dirty word. Here's why
by Brittany Taylor
Last updated June 19, 2019
I’ll admit it: I love a great clickbait post. I will bow down at the altar of the clickbait gods.
Does it have a shitty reputation? Uh-yup. Does the name sound gross and grimy and potentially infectious? Mhmm. But it’s also the delicious sort of guilty pleasure brain food that you sneak when no one else is looking.
Clickbait is the Double Stuf Oreo of the blogging world. And just like that chocolate sandwich cookie with all that creamy filling, it has the potential to make your followers go wild.
Well, maybe.

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What’s the difference between good clickbait and bad clickbait?
This is it: Good clickbait makes you feel something. Bad clickbait is just…meh. Mediocre. Whatever.
Human beings are motivated almost entirely by feelings. Emotions are our drivers. Shiny, delectable, addictive clickbait tugs on those emotions. It makes us bookmark and Pin and comment and share.
Want legions of fans to gobble up your content the same way you sneak Nabisco boxes into your grocery cart? No problem-o. You just have to create the good kind.
Here’s how to write clickbait that makes your audience think, “This is hysterical and fun and ____. I need to share this with every single person I know, right now.”
How to fit clickbait into your content strategy
So “10 signs you’re basically Hermione Granger, but with a laptop and an online business” doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of your blog content, eh?
I know. It doesn’t fit into mine, either. The Ravenclaw within me is upset about that.
What you don’t want to do is go off on a fluffy tangent every other month. If you’re not “10 Deatheaters” this and “5 spells you could pull off” that, don’t go in that direction. Seriously, don’t.
remember this
For clickbait to fit into your content strategy, it needs to maintain the quality of the rest of your content. It needs to be just as good.
Do use clickbait to further your message, not as a side note
Just because its primary goal is to entertain readers doesn’t mean that's its only goal.
You can use it to bring your point of view to more people. Use the theme, the content itself, the personal stories, and the pop culture references to help you do that. Show a soft side, but a side that is still business-oriented.
Do put the content first
Clickbait’s biggest problem is headlines that don’t deliver. Every good headline should honestly represent and summarize the content it’s attached to, and that’s particularly true with clickbait headlines.
To avoid crafting headlines that are stereotypically clickbait-y, write the content first.
Write the blog post without thinking about the headline. After you’re finished, take a stab at an appropriate headline. And before you hit “publish,” take a moment to be brutally honest about the headline you choose. Ask yourself if it’s accurate, and if the content that follows it will disappoint the people who click on it or thrill them.
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One major "don't": Don’t look at clickbait as a throwaway post
That’s how you get a “go straight to jail” card from the content gods. Look at these types of posts as another tool in your blogging arsenal that can help you connect with your audience in a more personal way than you usually do.
How to brainstorm clickbait content
You don’t have to consider yourself a creative to bring originality and personality to your work. Regardless of how straight-laced or analytical your work may be, you can still write blog posts that are packed with who you are and what you love outside of the office.
My go-to is a Harry Potter reference, but patronus puns aren't clickbait must-haves. Don’t force yourself to go main-stream or on-trend; be unapologetically you (though, you should be mindful of how conservative your industry is before you publish a post your peers might consider a little too extra or racy or weird).
Here are a few different tactics to try:
Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.

Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.

Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.