Tag Archives for " why content marketing "

Referrals are huge for small businesses. They drive 82% of new business. But leads don’t convert just because their friends told them you rock. You have to convince them—and content can do that. | via SeeBrittWrite.com

Content marketing is the one-two punch your referral-fueled business needs

By Brittany Taylor

How content marketing fuels referral-based businessesOct. 22, 2015  I’m a content marketer, and most of my business comes from referrals. I’m not alone—referrals are huge for small businesses. According to the Small Business Association’s 2014 Small Business Profiles released earlier this year, small businesses report that 82 percent of their new business comes from referrals. […]

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Got big competition? Consider content marketing one way to even the playing field (and captivate your target audience). | via SeeBrittWrite.com

Content helps small businesses stand out. Here’s how

By Brittany Taylor

CONTENT STRATEGY Content marketing helps small businesses stand outDigital marketing strategies like blogging, social media, and email newsletters help small businesses compete with bigger companies. Here’s how by Brittany TaylorLast updated june 19, 2019 ☰ menu Big businesses come with big budgets—big budgets that small businesses like yours and mine don’t have. Are they using content […]

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Stories work. Here's why | via SeeBrittWrite.com

Why people connect with stories

By Brittany Taylor

content strategyWhy your audience wants you to tell stories with your contentand why stories are the most powerful tool in your content strategy arsenal by Brittany Taylorpublished August 1, 2015updated May 30, 2018 ¶ I have a confession to make: I am a story hoarder. From Pocket to Evernote to Goodreads to an old-school paper file, […]

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