How to make your blog more professional, more consistent, and more readable overnight (for free)!
Introducing Volume 2 of the Blog Style Guide, available for everyone everywhere for free
by Brittany Taylor
Last updated June 19, 2019
Folks, we need to talk. I’ve been reading a lot of your blog posts lately and there are two things happening:
First, I’m smacking my hands together because, damn, your content is good. Go you! Not only are you getting out there and blogging your fingers off, but you’re also creating original, informative content. Y’all get all the snaps.
Second, I’ve got so much side-eye going on because some of your typos and, um, choices are making me not wanna read every iota of goodness you have going on.
That sucks because, A., I want to read it!, and B., I’m probably not the only one who’s turned off by your mistakes, strange turns-of-phrase, or just-wrong word and punctuation choices.
So today, we’re gonna work on that. Together. In secret. That way, you can peek at this post, see what you’re nailing (high five!), what you’re not, and what other people are doing that is, admittedly, kinda funny. Giggle at some /headdesk moments. Go fix your mistakes. Then get back to creating amazing content.

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53 blog style guide updates
At the start of 2018, I decided to share my blog style guide with you for free. Because, why not?
Back then, I told you I’d release periodic updates to the guide. This is the very first update. To prep for it, I’ve scoured blog posts and articles across the internet. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve cringed a lot. And I took note of the biggest little mistakes that there’s no reason for you to make going forward.
If you’re new to the idea of the blog style guide, no worries! You haven’t missed a thing. For my in-depth tutorial on how to use a blog style guide (and the newcomers below), click here.
Ready for the new additions to the blog style guide? Drumroll please! Here they are:
Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.

Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.

Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.