56 blogging prompts
Share stories from your life and work on your blog, in your email newsletters, and on social media with the help of these blog post prompts.
by Brittany Taylor
Last updated July 1, 2019
I’m like the Haley Joel Osment of storytelling: I see narratives everywhere.
If that’s not you—yet!—take heart, because it absolutely can be. Your brain just needs a little push to start connecting the daily interactions you have and the observations you make with the professional opinions and ideas you want to share with the world.

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56 blogging prompts that will help you start telling stories
Read on for a very long list of places, experiences, and people you can draw from to add human interest and a punch of personality to blog posts, email newsletters, social media, and any other type of content you want to create for your brand.
It’s a gold mine. I know because I’ve used every single one of these blogging prompts at least once to illustrate a point of some kind, somewhere online.
Here are the prompts:
- 1A campy car wash sign (That post lives here.)
- 2That time you bought almost the right thing at the grocery store, but not quite (Bacon Ritz Crackers? Not a keeper.)
- 3Your first kiss (Wet. So wet.)
- 4The last time you were stuck in a car with your family
- 5The very legitimate reason you had your mouth washed out with soap
- 6A movie that changed the way you viewed the world. (My most recent “wow” moment was Wonder Woman.)
- 7A lie you told that you regretted immediately
- 8The last time you went to the DMV
- 9What you did when you were locked out of the house after school
- 10A test you bombed. (Heyyy, geometry!)
- 11The thing you shoplifted when you were a kid—or thought about shoplifting. (I was such a goody-goody, guys.)
- 12The first person you ever crushed on—and what were you thinking?!
- 13A bad TV show you’re addicted to
- 14When you figured out the subtext to that movie you loved as a kid
- 15The sugary cereal Mom never bought you (Oh, for the love of Cookie Crisp)
- 16Your dream job that never played out (Thanks, geometry.)
- 17The first person who broke your heart
- 18A thing you hate that the whole world loves
- 19That surprisingly secular motivational sign by the local Lutheran church
- 20…and the vet office that posts weird animal facts every week
- 21Your local weatherman’s quirk of choice
- 22A sentimental heirloom (that you lost)
- 23The nostalgia you held for Blockbuster
- 24Your most gullible moment ever (Here’s mine from a chemistry class in 7th grade)
- 25A Friday-night ritual that’s not-NSFW
- 26Your lucky socks
- 27The patently hipster vibe of your local artisan coffee shop
- 28The homeless guy you buy bread and bologna for on Tuesdays
- 29The worst autocorrect you’ve seen IRL
- 30A YouTube video you’ve bookmarked for when you need a laugh, stat
- 31The TV show you pretend to follow because all of your friends do
- 32Any waiting room
- 33Any long line
- 34Any time you’re on mass transit
- 35The time you made an ass out of yourself at a meeting
- 36The time someone else was the ass at a meeting
- 37Your first boss
- 38Your first office
- 39When you negotiated for something
- 40An insult you’ve never forgotten
- 41The one thing you can’t forgive someone for
- 42A catchphrase from 10 years aog that you’re still saying
- 43The moment you realized someone you admired was an asshole
- 44When you overcome a fear
- 45A natural disaster
- 46Where you were when something historically significant happened
- 47The one trivial thing you can’t live without
- 48A family recipe that’s legendary, or remarkable awful, or very nearly ancient, or just so Grandma Anne.
- 49Your first dog
- 50A travel experience that wasn’t so bad, in hindsight
- 51The last time you were truly shocked by something
- 52A thing you cut out of your life
- 53That friend you lost touch with but kind of miss
- 54The first funeral you remember attending
- 55The best meal you ever had
- 56When you saved the day
Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.

Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.

Hello! My name is Brittany Taylor, and I am a ghostwriter based in Charleston, S.C.